The Stress of 2020
2020 has been a year for the history books. It hasn’t been a fantastic year for any of us. It’s been stressful on so many levels and let’s face it…it has taken a toll on all of us. But what are we supposed to do?
Well, let’s review exactly what stress is. Stress is an internal response to external stimuli. It is how you react to the things that are going on around you. It has many triggers and affects people in many different ways. A situation that may be very stressful for me may not be stressful for you.
Fight or Flight–Under stress, our bodies react just as our ancestors’ did when confronted by a physical threat—you get ready to fight or to run away. Back then the physical threat was usually a mountain lion or a wild animal. Your body reacts by releasing adrenaline, your heart rate, and your blood pressure increase, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid and your muscles tense for action.
Unfortunately in the modern world, the “mountain lion” you face may be the pressure you are under each day to achieve an increasing number of tasks in shorter periods of time and an accelerated pace of living. The report that is due tomorrow, the Zoom meeting that you forgot about until just a few minutes ago or maybe it is the stress of having to take care of someone you love that has gotten sick during this pandemic. All these things are stressors that you may contend with on a daily basis. When one thing is resolved, then it isn’t too long after that another one comes along. Without a sense of resolution (knowing that the danger has passed), your body and mind receive no clear signal that it is safe to stop, take a deep breath and relax.
Effects of Stress–Each person is different and will respond differently to certain situations. Each person’s “mountain lion” is different and so are the reactions that come with them. However, the effects of stress are always the same. It causes irritability and anxiety over small things, causes muscle tension and soreness and it weakens your immune system.
Your body is an amazing thing–it will adjust to your stress and continues to do so until it takes a stand. That is when you are so stressed and so busy with tons of things that need to be done and wouldn’t you know it, you get sick. Not the kind of sick that you can muddle through the day, but so sick that you are flat on your back in bed barely able to move a muscle. That is your body telling you that it can no longer take all of the stress that you have put it through. Your body had been sending you signals for weeks–that achy body, constant headache, always tired…but you continued on until your body made you stop. Now you have no choice but to take the time your body needs to recuperate.
Renewing your Body’s Resources—This is a vital aspect of getting back on track, whether it is after one stressful event or days of ongoing events.
There may be several ideas or there may be only one that may help you, but the idea is to pick one that works the best for you and then stick with it.
- Meditation. This doesn’t have to be some long, uncomfortable process. All you need is 5 minutes to quiet your mind and breathe deeply. Picture yourself where you would like to be–the beach, the mountains.
- Breathe. Breathing is something that we really don’t have to think about. It is an automatic thing, it just happens. Are you aware of how you breathe? The majority of us are shallow breathers, which means we only take small breaths and the air is only taken into the throat or chest area, not deep into our lungs. This type of breathing causes stress in the body. Try deep, diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in slowly to the count of 5 and then exhale slowly to the count of 5. Do this several times.
- Make some time each day that you are totally focused on you. Think of the things that you always seem to put on the back burner because there isn’t enough time in the day. Whether it is spending time in nature, working in your garden or just going for a walk. Find some time for you! Massage is a great way to take care of yourself while also rejuvenating your body.
- Exercise. It doesn’t matter how stressful of a day you have had, take some time to exercise and move around. Especially if you have been sitting at your computer all day on the Zoom meeting. Just take 10 minutes at a time and get yourself moving.
- Laugh. Do you have a favorite movie that you know will make you laugh no matter how many times you have already seen it? Get it out and watch it. Laughter is the best medicine.
- Talk to a friend. If things seem a little daunting and you just need to get things out in the open, call a friend. Tell them you don’t need anything fixed, you just need to vent for a few minutes and then you will probably feel better. If what you are feeling is more than a friend can handle, then call a therapist to help you.
- Nourish yourself. When we are stressed, we have a tendency to either not eat or just eat a bunch of junk. Make sure you have healthy snacks available during the day.
- Turn off the news. This one really doesn’t need any explanation.
These are just a few things that may help you alleviate some of the stress that you may be feeling. We can’t control the pandemic or any of the other things that are stressful, but we can control our environment and how we react.
MY CHALLENGE TO YOU–Pick one or two of the things listed above and try to incorporate them in your life, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE FEELING REALLY STRESSED!