To Meditate or Not to Meditate! That is the Question!
OK, I am sure that you have read some news article or heard from someone about how meditation is supposed to be good for you, right? And I know what you are thinking. Yep, I’m a mind reader! LOL! You’re thinking that you can’t just sit still and try to think of nothing, chanting OM or whatever your vision of someone meditating is. Am I right?
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, meditation is defined as to engage in contemplation or reflection. To engage in a mental exercise for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
Whew, that sounds like a lot, huh? When I read that definition, I don’t want to do any of that. It sounds way too complicated, doesn’t it? How about we reframe that definition so that it sounds a lot easier to achieve? My definition would be to engage in a mental exercise where you are focused on the present and are in the present moment, not worrying about things that need to get done or what happened yesterday.
I get asked all the time, whether I meditate or not. And my answer is always, yes and no. I have a really hard time meditating while sitting still, trying to empty my mind, etc. Sure I can do that but I have a difficult time with that and then I get really frustrated with myself because I didn’t meditate in the way that I imagine a wonderful meditation session should be.
But I do meditate. When I am working on someone on my table, I am being meditative and in the moment, I am focusing on what is underneath my hands as I am working on your neck and upper back. Or when I mow my lawn (yep, I love to mow the lawn), I am in the present moment. Do I reach a heightened spiritual state, nah, but I will tell you that some of my best ideas have popped into my head in both of those situations. To me, that is what meditation is all about.
So what activity do you do that requires you to be in the present moment? How about that hobby of yours? Crafting project? I’m not talking about some mindless activity like streaming your favorite show, but where you are present and paying attention to what you are doing. Is there something that you are working on that keeps you present?
See I bet you didn’t know that you were meditating. Congratulations! It isn’t about sitting there chanting OM or anything like that, it’s just being in the present moment.
Go forth and be present!